
Choosing the Right Path for You

Oct. 21, 2022

For every fresh graduate, the thought of graduating itself is both thrilling and nerve wracking. It’s a feeling that gets you excited to achieve a huge milestone in your life, but also one that opens up a new chapter of uncertainty. 

Usually, after the graduation season ends, the pending realization of entering the “real world” and putting yourself out there through job applications begins. But how do you start the process if you’re unsure what path to take in the first place?

Here’s a few tips that may help you kickstart the right career path for you!

  • Talk to yourself

Before anything else, assessing yourself what you want to pursue can already make it clear what path you want to take. Revisit your goals and think to yourself what’s important to you as you start your journey as part of the workforce. You might think that you know yourself well already, but taking a step back to really evaluate yourself can help lessen the confusion you might be experiencing at a unique stage in your life.


  • Consider your passion

Knowing what you’re passionate about is also a great indicator of what you want to pursue as a career. Having skills (or hobbies) you’ve already developed can not only be an advantage as you already know what you’re doing, but it can also be beneficial for you to learn more about your craft.

May it be from editing, programming or drawing, consider something you’re passionate about as a stepping stone to start your career.


  • Do Research

If you’re still unsure what profession to follow, doing your research on current news about jobs and the workforce can give you an insight of what you’re possibly getting into. You can also research what potential jobs you can go after if you’re interested in certain things.

While you’re at it, you can also look up how much is the salary for starting positions to get you ready for your possible job interview when the time comes.


  • Look for professional advice

As a first time job seeker, you might feel stressed about not knowing what’s in store for you. By looking for some professional advice, this opportunity may give you clarity and peace to head on to your future career. 

Putting yourself out there by asking questions to people you may know that inspires you or even a practitioner in the field you’re eyeing is a great way to learn more about industries in general as well.


  • Believe in yourself

Lastly, believing in yourself is the key motivator to finding that path for you. Oftentimes, the pressure of not knowing where to go and what to do can feel burdensome and may take a toll on someone. This can cause decisions that may lead you to not taking risks and letting go of opportunities.


Having trust in yourself and your abilities is a great way for you to start your journey into the real world. As they say, you may be the only person left who believes in you, but it will always be enough.


Choose the right path for you and start your journey with Asticom!

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