
Guide on how to answer FAQs during the interview!

Oct. 07, 2022

For most fresh graduates, the interview portion can be the most nerve-wracking in the application process. Driven to secure that job offer, sometimes the pressure of answering those questions can feel overwhelming. 


Since you’ve got your tips on how to ace that job interview, here’s how you can answer the most frequently asked questions on your next interview!


“Can you introduce yourself?”

Ah yes, the age old introduce yourself. There are plenty of ways to go about this question, but the most common way to start it is by introducing your name, and a brief background of your past experiences (if there’s none, you can always mention your alma mater and the course you took up).


Whenever you’re about to introduce yourself, make sure to say something that’s not in your resume. By this time, hiring managers have already read through your resume, so it’s better to bring up something else. You can always mention a few hobbies or other skills that can be relative to the role you’re applying for.


“What are your weaknesses?”

Whenever recruiters ask this question, it’s to see whether or not you possess self-awareness. But it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be brutally honest about the weaknesses you see in yourself. Mentioning traits you see in yourself that need improvement is a good way to answer the question, so that the interviewer knows that you’re aware of your weaknesses and that you acknowledge doing something about them.

Ryan, Recruitment Admin Assistant from Asticom, also mentioned that being asked about your weaknesses is something recruiters keep in mind to let them know the areas they can help you possibly improve on.


“How do you manage stress?”

For this question, your recruiter may be curious about your work ethic and how you react to it. This is also an opportunity for you to describe how you deal with different tasks and how you finish them. You can elaborate further by explaining your work timeline, how you make sure to meet your deadlines, and so forth.


The most important thing is to make sure you mention that at the end of the day, you get the task done nonetheless.


“Tell me a time you encountered a work-related challenge. How did you overcome it?”

Situational questions like this are usually asked to see how you deal with hardships, may it be personal or even in a team setting. You can go about this question by narrating the situation briefly, and concluding it by highlighting the traits or skills you have which led you to overcoming the said challenge. 


Take note of how you narrate your story. Balance it out like you’re just mentioning a story to a colleague but don’t forget to keep it professional.


“What is your expected salary?”

When it comes to expected salaries, some fresh graduates and job seekers may feel shy or embarrassed to drop an amount. It’s okay to find the range as a beginner in your industry and how they pay that role, but if you have the skillset and can prove it, there’s nothing wrong with mentioning an expected salary that may be higher than what you might think. It’s better than not trying, right?


“Where do you see yourself in five years?”

For questions like this, most recruiters want to observe if your career goals will be in line with the organization. Of course, hiring managers want to scout potential candidates that have plans to stay in the company for a long time. 


To answer this question, you can start off by mentioning some of your personal career goals, and progress it by inserting how the company you’re applying for can be a big help in achieving those goals. You can also add in comments of wanting to see the company flourish with your help.


At the end of the day, no matter how much you practice or follow a specific template of answers, the most important thing to remember is to be genuine in your answers, and treat the interview process as a proper conversation!


Check out https://asticom.com.ph/careers-and-culture/ for possible job opportunities you might be interested in and send in your emails to recruitment@asticom.com.ph!



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