
How to handle that rejection email

Nov. 02, 2022

You’ve found the potential company that you’re interested in applying for, you go through the entire application process but then— they send back a rejection letter.

Getting that rejection email is never easy, especially when it’s from a company that you really wanted to work for. As first time job seekers, there’s no denying that not getting chosen for a role or company you aspire to be in can sting a little, especially if you’re just starting your career.


But no worries, follow these tips to help you bounce back from that rejection email and head on stronger for the next application!


  • Take a breather


Before anything, give yourself a chance to breathe first. For some, it may be too personal to receive a rejection, and doubts will start to enter your mind. But give yourself time to take in the information and try to maintain your emotions.


  • Don’t dwell deep on it


Once you’ve given yourself time to process what happened, tell yourself to not dwell deep on it. Albeit, it’s easier said than done, it’s better to handle rejections as something that happens to the best of us. Also keeping in mind that being a fresh graduate or job seeker can be a factor, but it doesn’t mean it’s the sole reason for rejection. In fact, even the most skilled professionals still face rejection occasionally.


  • Look at it as a learning experience


Subsequently, use this chance as something you can learn from. Rejections aren’t necessarily a failure, but an opportunity. And as a first time job seeker, having a mindset that there will probably be many more rejections to come in the future can be a big help in processing it much easier.


  • Know what you can improve on


For you to be able to learn what you can do better next time, you can reach out to your recruiter in regards to the rejection letter they sent out. Ask them what you can improve on and how was your overall performance throughout the application process.


Some may feel shy or uncomfortable doing so, because it’s normal to feel uneasy especially after getting rejected. But taking these small steps can lead to big improvements on how you handle future job applications.


  • Prove them wrong!


When the time comes wherein you’ve come to terms with getting rejected, it’s time for you to face future companies! Always remember that one rejection should not stop you from achieving several possibilities in your life. And later on when you look back, this one rejection was probably the reason you’re where you’re at right now.


These tips are mere suggestions to help you process rejections. At the end of the day, it’s how you recover from this circumstance and remind yourself to not give up that matters.


Bounce back and continue your job hunt today, explore possible opportunities for you here.

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