
5 Questions you can ask during your interview!

Oct. 19, 2022

During the application process, some job hunters think that the interview is simply the hiring manager finding out if you’re suitable for the role. But the interview process is a two-way street, which means you can also ask some of your questions.


A job interview is not simply an opportunity for the recruiter to question you; it’s also a time for you to determine whether the position would be a good fit for you. Therefore, it’s important to pose your own inquiries.


Now that you’ve answered some of your interview questions, it’s time for you to ask yours!


“What can I expect going into this role?”

Once your recruiter gives you the green light to ask some questions, it’s advisable to start off with something related to the role you’re applying for. This can give the impression that you ‘re interested and want to know the role further (than what was presented) and can also help you decide whether or not the position is what you really want to pursue.


“How would you describe the work environment?”

When you’ve gathered information about the position, now’s the perfect time to ask about the company. Asking about their work environment will also help in your decision. Does the company focus on independent work? Or do they promote a more collaborative setup? 

Gauge your hiring managers’ answers especially if you’re the type of person who prefers to work in a certain way, so as to avoid getting yourself into something you may not be comfortable in.


“How does the company take care of its employees?”

This is the moment wherein you can find out how the organization handles their people. What benefits are employees granted, engagement activities the company has to motivate their workforce, recognition programs and even promotions. 

Through this question, you can also know what the company’s culture is, and see if your values and your ideas are aligned with them.


“What are the company’s goals in the next few years?”

As a job seeker, your career and your future is one of your top priorities. Being in a company that has goals that are the same as yours is essential, so asking this question can further help you determine if you’re a good fit for the company.


“Is there anything else I can answer or provide you with that may help you?

Of course, you are still an applicant hoping to get shortlisted. Before your recruiter concludes the interview, ask them if they need anything else from you. This shows that you’re ready to provide any other information or even help to your interviewer. It can also give off a good impression that you’re proactive and dependable!


Always remember, don’t be afraid to ask questions to your interviewer. It’s a conversation of you wanting to get to know the company as much as it’s them wanting to know you.


Now that you know what questions to ask, try them out by sending in your applications to recruitment@asticom.com.ph and get through the interview process in a breeze!

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